Finding the right silt control measures for your site

There are serious consequences to not controlling silt and sediment on construction sites. The risks are primarily environmental, as pollution will harm biodiversity, but will also create financial and reputational implications for those responsible for a development. Effective silt control also offers benefits though, making sites easier and safer to work on. Silt – fine […]

Using sustainable urban drainage systems for water and flood risk management

The delivery of HS2 across England is likely to have a long-lasting impact on the built environment sector. Continuing our series reviewing how it is adopting and influencing best practice, we look at how sustainable urban drainage systems will support its water and flood risk management controls: As winter closes in, water and flood risk […]

Has your Silt Fence been installed properly?

For cost effective, durable silt control on a construction site, silt fences are an optimal solution. They are an essential tool, ensuring environmental protection and reducing risk of pollution to nearby watercourses or surrounding land. To properly install a silt fence, you’ll need to understand the following: What is silt? Silt forms when materials are […]

What are the risks of soil stripping a site too early?

Soil erosion and migration are not problems caused solely by adverse weather – they are often created and exacerbated by poor practice on-site. Stripping a site of soil too early will remove environmental protection or compact the soil, ruining its quality, risking contaminated ground or causing erosion. These each negatively impact the physical, chemical and […]

How to establish vegetation and manage soil erosion on construction sites

Managing soil erosion and water run-off on a construction site is vital work which can be achieved by mixing both nature and nurture. Installing geotechnical products in the ground on developments will allow vegetation to establish, as the former actively encourages the latter to grow to create long-lasting erosion control. Soil erosion is cause for […]

Why silt control on construction sites is your responsibility

silt control

Reduce risks and enjoy benefits through effective erosion control Sediment is the biggest pollutant generated on construction sites so measures to effectively manage it are essential. Silt control and erosion control will prevent sediment – soil, silt, sand, mud or clay disturbed by construction works or weather – getting into nearby waterways and impacting the […]

Sam Brierley

Marketing Director

Businesses I have worked for

Midwest Contracting

Tower Group

Reflect Promotional Products

Acure Safety


Sam has been involved in over 6 SME’s since graduating in 2011, with a focus on creating effective marketing plans and ensuring the efficient carrying out of the plans to achieve the targets and goals consistently. Sam puts emphasis on being driven and results focused by eliminating and removing what holds us back so that results can be achieved.

Key Areas of Expertise

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Leadership

Giles Clarke

Managing Director

Businesses I have worked for

Quin Global

Vola Global

Orca Hygiene

Customers I have worked with

Howdens, Hafele, B&Q, Headlam Group, Norboard, Likewise, Balfour Beatty, Bam Construction, RJ Mcleod, I&H Brown, Cala Homes and many more


Giles has been working with SME’s since graduating from school. Working throughout different areas of the business from sales and marketing development, sales and commercial management, operations, manufacturing and R&D to continually develop the business, delivering growth and company sustainability. Putting emphasis on targets, goals, and direction, to deliver the company strategy and develop its people and systems.

Key Areas of Expertise

  • Business Planning
  • Business Growth